A Line Drawn In The Sandbox

The Real Ruler Of HighsecOriginally posted: 3/26/2014

James 315 and The CODE finally reach an understanding. Translation: I’m not paying for a permit and they can go pick on someone else.

So it’s been 4 days, and the New Order has been unable to stop me from mining. Sure, they may have bumped me a few times and slowed me down, but I’m still mining without a permit. What about the threats they make about destroying mining ships if they do not get their 10 million ISK for the cost of a permit?

So far, it’s been pretty much like last night for the past 4 days:

[ 2014.03.26 01:37:39 ] Ima Wreckyou > I hope you all have a permit and follow the CODE. They are only 10mil ISK per year.
[ 2014.03.26 01:38:20 ] Ehnea Mehk > Ima Wreckyou I do not have a permit. Again. So I am mining without one. Again. Four days straight. I am in the ice belt if anyone from the New Order wishes to come talk to me about it
[ 2014.03.26 01:38:52 ] Ehnea Mehk > Sorry, it’s now called a Glacial Mass

I tell ’em that I’m flat out mining without a permit, and they either bump me for a bit before giving up or….do nothing.

At this point, I decide to up the game. I state the following in local Abudban:

[ 2014.03.26 01:58:19 ] Ehnea Mehk > ATtention Agents of the New Order: I am now about 200 km from Abudban IX – Asteroid Belt 4. In order to give you time to get to me before I mine, I am approaching the belt at a slow speed. I do not have a permit, so you are under orders from James 315
[ 2014.03.26 01:58:24 ] Ehnea Mehk > to stop me. That is all.

Whoa. Was that a challenge? Sure was! I get a response from one of James 315 ever-dependable, ever-reliable agents. Yeah, your sarcasm sensor did burst into flames:

[ 2014.03.26 02:03:10 ] Ima Wreckyou > that challenge
[ 2014.03.26 02:03:23 ] Ehnea Mehk > It is
[ 2014.03.26 02:03:33 ] Ehnea Mehk > I’m giving you time to marshal up any ships you need.
[ 2014.03.26 02:03:44 ] Ehnea Mehk > But once I get there I am mining
[ 2014.03.26 02:04:39 ] Ima Wreckyou > well I am busy ganking real miners
[ 2014.03.26 02:04:52 ] Ehnea Mehk > Define a real miner please?
[ 2014.03.26 02:05:25 ] Ima Wreckyou > miners that don’t approach a belt from 200k
[ 2014.03.26 02:06:13 ] Ehnea Mehk > Ima Wreckyou I’m doing this as a courtesy and a heads up that I am in violation of the Code and will give you a chance to stop me. If you do not stop me by the time I get there, I’m going to assume James 315 has allowed this mining operation to commence

There you have it. A line drawn in the sandbox. If any Agent of the New Order does not take action by the time I get to the belt, I start mining without a permit. The conversation continues:

[ 2014.03.26 02:10:01 ] Ima Wreckyou > Ehnea Mehk I see you acknowledge the authority of James 315 and the New Order in this system. You are almost there. Only 10mil ISK separate you from complete CODE compliance
[ 2014.03.26 02:11:00 ] Ehnea Mehk > Ima Wreckyou I will not pay. I am 34 klicks from the nearest rock. You are an agent of the Code and are supposed to enforce the code. What is your response?
[ 2014.03.26 02:12:20 ] Ima Wreckyou > Ehnea Mehk as an Agent of the CODE I highly recommend you purchase a mining permit to get full CODE compliant. It’s only 10mil ISK
[ 2014.03.26 02:12:52 ] Ehnea Mehk > Ima Wreckyou As a miner who has never paid for a permit to mine, and will never do so, I respectfully refuse.
[ 2014.03.26 02:12:59 ] Ehnea Mehk > I am 20 km from the nearest rock

Tensions ratchet up. What’s gonna happen, folks? Is Ima Wreckyou gonna live up to the nick and wreck my ship, or am I gonna openly defy the New Order once again, this time in a very public challenge?

[ 2014.03.26 02:20:23 ] Ehnea Mehk > I am mining now. Yay.

I’m waiting for Ima’s ship to show up, and nothing happens, well, save this so-called threat.

[ 2014.03.26 02:22:34 ] Ima Wreckyou > So was PuPpEtMaStEr Naari, now he is death Kill: PuPpEtMaStEr Naari (Covetor)  Kill: PuPpEtMaStEr Naari (Capsule)

I’m not impressed. Crap-assed fit meant for maximizing mining at the expense of defence. Nothing like the fit I have on my Procurer, which takes full advantage of the ship’s defensive capabilities. I try to bait Ima into action:

[ 2014.03.26 02:24:52 ] Ehnea Mehk > Ima Wreckyou if you own highsec how come I am mining without a permit?
[ 2014.03.26 02:25:35 ] Ima Wreckyou > Ehnea Mehk I do not gank on request except for money
[ 2014.03.26 02:26:00 ] Ehnea Mehk > Ima Wreckyou Translation: We can’t stop Ehnea from mining. CODE loses
[ 2014.03.26 02:28:05 ] Devil Seven > i see no come back i see
[ 2014.03.26 02:28:25 ] Devil Seven > must not own high sec
[ 2014.03.26 02:28:38 ] Ehnea Mehk > Devil Seven I practically drew a line in the spacesand of Abudban and gave them time to stop me.
[ 2014.03.26 02:28:42 ] Ehnea Mehk > They didn’t

They sure didn’t. An agent of a massive alliance that claims to own high-sec does nothing when I not only mine without a permit, I do so after issuing a challenge.

I keep asking this question over a lot in local, and I’m going to ask it here in my blog. What does it say about an alliance’s ability to control an area of space if people like me, one little miner who does not PvP, can still mine without punishment?

I’ll leave that for you to answer. What I will say explicitly, point blank, is that there is nothing the New Order can do to force me to abide by their Code. I won’t pay ransom ISK. I never paid ransom ISK in the past. I will never pay ransom ISK.

It’s my way EVE Online is supposed to be played!

Thanks for reading!



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